My newest composite is a 3D Tron Wallpaper that I made in entirely in Adobe Photoshop CS5. Within this composite I have added many different features to extend this composite, including a grid background (made entirely from Filters applied to a Smart Object) and a Bokeh effect (random circles) around the "TRON" heading with a layer mask being used to cover the main text from the bokeh effect.
TOTAL TIME TAKEN: 30 minutes
PROGRAM(S) USED: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1
My latest composite called 'Flaming Poker'. This composite was not like normal, where I usually use different stock images, in this I made all of the elements myself. from the card to the flames and background. Total Time Taken: 7 Hours.
Programs used: Adobe Photoshop CS4.
A video speed art and tutorial coming soon on YouTube. (